Effects of ursodeoxycholic acid on the gut microbiome and colorectal adenoma development

Visibility: Public
Publication: Effects of ursodeoxycholic acid on the gut microbiome and colorectal adenoma development Link
Journal: Cancer_Medicine
Source: NA
Sample Number: 800

Samples in this project

SampleID Type Habitat Year Sequence type MNS1 MAS2
S_SRP181937.SRR8484293 Gut Feces 1996 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484292 Gut Feces NA 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484291 Gut Feces 1996 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484290 Gut Feces 2000 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484289 Gut Feces 1999 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484288 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484287 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484286 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484285 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484284 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484283 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484282 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484281 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484280 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484279 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484278 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484277 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484276 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484275 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -
S_SRP181937.SRR8484274 Gut Feces 1998 16S V4 - -

1MNS (Microbiome Novelty Score): < 0.12: Non-novel; 0.12-0.2: Novel; > 0.2: Very novel; -: NA for samples before 2010

2MAS (Microbiome Attention Score): < 10: Low-attention; ≥ 10: High-attention; -: NA for samples before 2010